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Living Your Best Life

Welcome to Tyler Jensen's personal blog about running the best insurance agency

Why Did You Start an Agency?

Updated: Jun 27

I want you to ponder a question. Why did I start an insurance agency? Over my years in the industry almost every agent I meet expresses almost the exact same thing. They started an agency because they wanted to be their own boss. They were tired of working for somebody else, working certain hours, not being compensated enough for what they were doing, which they were probably really good at. Then one day, they were sold on this idea that you could run your own business. You could work your own hours, be your own boss, and make as much money as you possibly want based on the effort that you put in. Essentially there is no cap to their income potential.

Most agents came into the industry because they had that vision, they caught hold of this entrepreneurial aspect of themselves that wanted to run and operate a business. Oftentimes they think “If my boss could run a business, I could run a business” or they have this assumption, “I'm really good at sales, owning an agency is gonna be easy. I could just sell all day and make as much money as I possibly want.” Now these failed assumptions are one of the greatest reasons why agency’s fail and never reach their full potential of actually running a business.

When you took that leap of faith and opened your own agency many of us were either employees of another industry, usually a technical skill, or you were a 1099 sales Rep selling a product, or you were already self-employed, which is a little different than a business owner. Majority of us have never had true business owner experience and the difficult problem is because you're independent contractors through the carriers that you sell for, they can't give your business advice. Agents come into this industry with no help of how to run and establish a business. For a majority of agents, they fail within their first five years.

Problems arise when you're selling all these accounts. Here comes service work. Here comes hiring your first employee. Here come the missed sales calls, the unhappy clients, the working late hours, and the never being able to turn your phone off at night. You didn't have the fundamental blueprints of how to establish and create a successful and thriving business. A majority of agents never find that ability to reach that true business owner state and they fall into a state of complacency.

Our solution is to help our agents understand those setbacks. We help them put strategic plans in place. Which help build a business. We help lay that foundation and teach you how to do strategic planning. As you plan you understand:

1.      How to hire

2.      How to create a culture

3.      How to create experiences for your customers

4.      How you create a self-sustaining business

Your business can operate efficiently because you set it up that way. At InsuraRisk University we teach you how to build strategic plans. Strategic planning is the process of defining the identity and the culture of an agency. This is the blueprint by which you can plan, by which you can hire employees, establish strategic advantages that your agency has, make experiences for your customers, and create a culture for your employees. Without this fundamental blueprint to build on, you can't create a successful business. Without this bedrock of this strategic plan a vision and a direction of where your agency is going.

For many agents they don't know how to strategic plan as well. They've never had that opportunity to have a business. We want to offer you a free strategy call. During that strategy call we'll talk about the goals and the vision that you have for your agency. Usually, it's that vision that you caught hold of with that entrepreneurial side of you when you are sold on this idea of running a business. We're going to go back to those root causes and help you establish that vision and see if our university can help you implement those processes of becoming a business owner. We want to help you thrive no matter where you are in your agency. If you're interested in this strategy call, comment “call” below and we will connect for an hour-long strategy call and show you what our university can offer you to help you become a more successful business with an amazing culture.

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